310 - U.S. Brewery and Beer Assortment (6).Archives International Auctions
ca.1930's-70's. 7 different brewery certificates. All different colors, share amounts and classes of stocks. Companies include: Bergho...
No Online Bidding For This LotStart Price : 75.00 | Estimate : 150.00 - 300.00
311 - U.S. East Coast Brewing Companies (5).Archives International Auctions
ca.1930's. 5 different specimen stock certificates. 4 are printed by Central BNC and one by ABNC. Companies include: Brewing Corp. of America,...
No Online Bidding For This LotStart Price : 75.00 | Estimate : 150.00 - 300.00
314 - U.S. A Pair of Pig Stocks.Archives International Auctions
19--, a.1910-30's. Odd Shs. 2 different specimen stocks. POC's. Both with photo vignettes of pigs. 1). White, Pevey and Dexter Company, In...
No Online Bidding For This LotStart Price : 75.00 | Estimate : 150.00 - 300.00