AIA Sale 100 -March 26 - U.S. & WW Banknotes, Scripophily and Ephemera

Auction Details

U.S. & Worldwide Banknotes, Scripophily, U.S. Federal Bonds, Liberty Loan Bonds,
U.S. Federal Fiscal Documents, Warrants, Drafts, U.S. Colonial, Obsolete, Large Type & Small Type Currency, Historic Ephemera and Security Printing Ephemera

Wednesday, March 26th, 2025: Lots 1 to 661 in 3 Sessions over 1 Day
Session 1 – Lots 1 to 155 beginning at 11:00 AM EST:
World and Chinese Banknotes & Scripophily

Session 2 – Lots 156 to 390 beginning no earlier than 1:00 PM EST after Session 1 is Complete:
U.S. Federal Bonds, Fiscal Documents, Liberty Loan Bonds, Savings Bonds, Treasury & Post Office Warrants & Hawaiian Whaling Exchange

Session 3 – Lots 391 to 661 beginning no earlier than 3:30 PM EST after Session 2 is Complete:
U.S. Colonial Banknotes & Fiscal Documents; U.S. Obsolete, Fractional, Confederate,
Large Type, Small Type & National Banknotes; Historic Ephemera; Security Printing Ephemera; U.S. & Worldwide Scripophily; and Worldwide Stamps

Archives International Auctions, LLC
Numismatic and Philatelic Auctioneers

1060 Main Street
River Edge, NJ 07661 U.S.A.
Phone: 201-944-4800 | Facsimile: 201-839-3336


PH: 1-201-944-4800
FAX: 1-201-839-3336

Snail Mail: Archives International Auctions
1060 Main Street, Suite 202, River Edge, NJ 07661

The auction will take place on March 26, 2025 at AIA's office located at 1060 Main St., Suite #202, River Edge, NJ 07661 beginning at 11:00 AM
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Detroit Union Railroad Depot and Station Co. 1882 Specimen Coupon Bond601 - Detroit Union Railroad Depot and Station Co. 1882 Specimen Coupon Bond
Archives International Auctions
Michigan, 1882. $1000 Specimen 6% First Mortgage Gold Coupon Bond, Black text with black border, Busy harbor scene in distance at top center. Red spec
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Start Price : 120.00 | Estimate : 250.00 - 400.00
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MN. Mankato and New Ulm Railway Co., 1899 Specimen Bond.602 - MN. Mankato and New Ulm Railway Co., 1899 Specimen Bond.
Archives International Auctions
Minnesota, $1000 Specimen 1st Mortgage 3 1/2% Gold Coupon Bond, Black on green border and underprint, Track workers on side of tracks with approaching
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Start Price : 160.00 | Estimate : 250.00 - 450.00
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MN. Northern Pacific Railroad - Missouri Division, 1879, Specimen (Coupon and Registered) Bond Pair.603 - MN. Northern Pacific Railroad - Missouri Division, 1879, Specimen (Coupon and Registered) Bond Pair.
Archives International Auctions
Minnesota, 1879, Lot of 2 Specimen Bonds, Includes: $100 6% First Mortgage Coupon Bond, Black with orange border; and, $1000 Registered 6% First Mortg
Current Bid: 325.00
Estimate : 450.00 - 750.00
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MN. Northern Pacific Railroad - Pend D'Oreille Division, 1879, Specimen Coupon Bond.604 - MN. Northern Pacific Railroad - Pend D'Oreille Division, 1879, Specimen Coupon Bond.
Archives International Auctions
Minnesota, 1879. $1000 Specimen 6% Pend d'Oreille Division First Mortgage Coupon Bond, Black with red/orange border and underprint, Landscape wi...
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Start Price : 170.00 | Estimate : 250.00 - 400.00
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MN. Northern Pacific Railroad and Land Grant, 1881, Specimen (Coupon and Registered) Gold Bond Pair.605 - MN. Northern Pacific Railroad and Land Grant, 1881, Specimen (Coupon and Registered) Gold Bond Pair.
Archives International Auctions
Minnesota, 1881, Lot of 2 Specimen Bonds, Includes: $1000 6% General First Mortgage Sinking Fund Gold Coupon Bond, Black with brown border; and, $5000
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Start Price : 325.00 | Estimate : 450.00 - 750.00
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MN. Northern Pacific Railroad and Land Grant, 1883 and 1887, Specimen (Coupon and Registered) Gold B606 - MN. Northern Pacific Railroad and Land Grant, 1883 and 1887, Specimen (Coupon and Registered) Gold B
Archives International Auctions
Minnesota, 1883 and 1887, Lot of 2 Specimen Bonds, Includes: 1883, $5000 Registered 6% Second Mortgage Sinking Fund Gold Bond, Black with brown border
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Start Price : 375.00 | Estimate : 500.00 - 800.00
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MN. Northern Pacific Railroad and Land Grant, 1889, Specimen (Coupon and Registered) 5% Consolidated607 - MN. Northern Pacific Railroad and Land Grant, 1889, Specimen (Coupon and Registered) 5% Consolidated
Archives International Auctions
Minnesota, 1889, Lot of 2 Specimen Bonds, Includes: $1000 5% Consolidated Mortgage Gold Coupon Bond and $5000 Registered 5% Consolidated Mortgage Gold
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Start Price : 230.00 | Estimate : 300.00 - 400.00
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MN. Wisconsin, Minnesota and Pacific Railroad Co., 1900, Specimen 4% Gold Coupon Bond.608 - MN. Wisconsin, Minnesota and Pacific Railroad Co., 1900, Specimen 4% Gold Coupon Bond.
Archives International Auctions
Minnesota, 1900. $1000 Specimen 4% First Mortgage Gold Coupon Bond, Black with green border and underprint, Train passing station at top under title,
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Start Price : 90.00 | Estimate : 180.00 - 280.00
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Minnesota and Dakota Territory. Winona and Saint Peter Rail Road Co. 1871 Unmarked Specimen Bond609 - Minnesota and Dakota Territory. Winona and Saint Peter Rail Road Co. 1871 Unmarked Specimen Bond
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Minnesota and Dakota Territory, 1871. $1000 Unmarked Specimen 7% First Mortgage Sinking Fund Gold Coupon Bond, Black text with orange border and gold
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Start Price : 130.00 | Estimate : 240.00 - 375.00
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MO. Kansas City and Southern Railway Co., 1883 Specimen 6% Gold Coupon Bond Rarity610 - MO. Kansas City and Southern Railway Co., 1883 Specimen 6% Gold Coupon Bond Rarity
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Missouri. $1,000 Specimen 6% First Mortgage Sinking Fund Coupon Bond, Black print on green border and under print, Locomotive at top with factory and
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Start Price : 280.00 | Estimate : 375.00 - 750.00
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MT. Helena Electric Railway Co. 1891 Specimen Gold Coupon Bond Rarity611 - MT. Helena Electric Railway Co. 1891 Specimen Gold Coupon Bond Rarity
Archives International Auctions
Montana, 1891. $1000 Specimen 6% First Mortgage Gold Coupon Bond, Black text with green border and undertint, Electric streetcar depicted at top cente
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Start Price : 130.00 | Estimate : 300.00 - 600.00
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NH & VT. New Hampshire and Vermont  Railroads, 1913 and 1930, Specimen Coupon Bond Pair.612 - NH & VT. New Hampshire and Vermont Railroads, 1913 and 1930, Specimen Coupon Bond Pair.
Archives International Auctions
New Hampshire and Vermont, 1913 to 1930, Lot of 2 Specimen Bonds, Includes: VT. 1913, St. Albans and Swanton Traction Co. $1000 5% Twenty Year Gold Co
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Start Price : 85.00 | Estimate : 160.00 - 280.00
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Long Island Railroad Co. 1903 Specimen Bond Reissued in 1934 with Gold Clause Included.613 - Long Island Railroad Co. 1903 Specimen Bond Reissued in 1934 with Gold Clause Included.
Archives International Auctions
New York, 1903. $5000 Specimen 4% Registered Refunding Mortgage Gold Bond, Black text with brown border and underprint, Men at work on tracks with app
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Start Price : 180.00 | Estimate : 260.00 - 375.00
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New York Railroads, 1890 to 1900, Specimen Coupon Bond Trio.614 - New York Railroads, 1890 to 1900, Specimen Coupon Bond Trio.
Archives International Auctions
New York, 1890 to 1900, Lot of 3 Specimen Bonds, Includes: 1890, Manhattan Railway Co. $1000 4% Consolidated Mortgage Gold Coupon Bond, Black with gre
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Start Price : 200.00 | Estimate : 300.00 - 450.00
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NY. Addison and Pennsylvania Railway Co., 1892, Specimen Coupon Bond Rarity.615 - NY. Addison and Pennsylvania Railway Co., 1892, Specimen Coupon Bond Rarity.
Archives International Auctions
New York, 1892. $1000 Specimen 4% Second Mortgage Coupon Bond, Black print with brown border and underprint, Small image of train at top left corner b
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Start Price : 130.00 | Estimate : 200.00 - 400.00
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NY. Albany and Hudson Railroad Co., 1903, Specimen 4%  Gold Coupon Bond Rarity616 - NY. Albany and Hudson Railroad Co., 1903, Specimen 4% Gold Coupon Bond Rarity
Archives International Auctions
New York, 1903. $1000 Specimen 4% First Mortgage Forty Year Gold Coupon Bond, Black with ornate green border and underprint, Suspension bridge with tr
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Start Price : 120.00 | Estimate : 230.00 - 350.00
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NY. Brooklyn and Brighton Beach Railroad Co., 1895 and 1896,  Specimen Registered & Coupon Gold Bond617 - NY. Brooklyn and Brighton Beach Railroad Co., 1895 and 1896, Specimen Registered & Coupon Gold Bond
Archives International Auctions
New York, 1895 and 1896, Lot of 2 Specimen Bonds, Includes: 1895, $500 Registered 6% Income Bond, Black with brown border, VF condition; and, 1896, $1
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Start Price : 375.00 | Estimate : 600.00 - 900.00
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NY. Brooklyn City Railroad Co., 1906, Specimen Gold Coupon Bond, Unlisted Rarity.618 - NY. Brooklyn City Railroad Co., 1906, Specimen Gold Coupon Bond, Unlisted Rarity.
Archives International Auctions
New York, 1906. $1000 4% Fifty Year Gold Coupon Bond, Black print with green border and underprint, Brooklyn Bridge at top center with boats on East R
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Start Price : 375.00 | Estimate : 750.00 - 1,500.00
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NY. Brooklyn City Railroad Equipment Trust, 1925, Specimen 5% Gold Coupon Bond.619 - NY. Brooklyn City Railroad Equipment Trust, 1925, Specimen 5% Gold Coupon Bond.
Archives International Auctions
New York, 1925. $500 5% Series A Gold Coupon Bond, Black print with green border and underprint, American Bald Eagle at top center above company title
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Start Price : 230.00 | Estimate : 350.00 - 500.00
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NY. Brooklyn Rapid Transit Co., 1902 (1907), Specimen 4% First Refunding Mortgage Gold Coupon Bond.620 - NY. Brooklyn Rapid Transit Co., 1902 (1907), Specimen 4% First Refunding Mortgage Gold Coupon Bond.
Archives International Auctions
New York, 1902 (1907). $1000 Specimen 4% First Refunding Mortgage Gold Coupon Bond, Black with orange green border and underprint, Allegorical women a
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Start Price : 280.00 | Estimate : 450.00 - 750.00
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NY. Brooklyn Rapid Transit Co., 1912 and 1918, Specimen Gold Coupon Bond Pair.621 - NY. Brooklyn Rapid Transit Co., 1912 and 1918, Specimen Gold Coupon Bond Pair.
Archives International Auctions
New York, 1912 and 1918, Lot of 2 Specimen Bonds, Includes: 1912, $1000 5% Six Year Secured Gold Coupon Bond, Black with green border; 1918, $1000 6%
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Start Price : 375.00 | Estimate : 550.00 - 850.00
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NY. Brooklyn Rapid Transit Co., 1918, Specimen Three Year 7% Secured Gold Coupon Bond Trio.622 - NY. Brooklyn Rapid Transit Co., 1918, Specimen Three Year 7% Secured Gold Coupon Bond Trio.
Archives International Auctions
New York, 1918, Lot of 3 Specimen Bonds, Includes: $100 7% Three Year Secured Gold Coupon Bond, Black with brown border; $500 Three Year Secured Gold
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Start Price : 200.00 | Estimate : 325.00 - 650.00
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NY. Brooklyn-Manhattan Transit Corp., 1923, Specimen  6% Series A Rapid Transit Security Gold Coupon623 - NY. Brooklyn-Manhattan Transit Corp., 1923, Specimen 6% Series A Rapid Transit Security Gold Coupon
Archives International Auctions
New York, 1923, Lot of 3 Specimen Bonds, Includes: $100 6% Series A Rapid Transit Security Sinking Fund Gold Coupon Bond, Black with orange border; $5
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Start Price : 400.00 | Estimate : 600.00 - 900.00
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NY. Brooklyn-Manhattan Transit Corp., ND (1920s), Specimen  6% Registered Series A Rapid Transit Sec624 - NY. Brooklyn-Manhattan Transit Corp., ND (1920s), Specimen 6% Registered Series A Rapid Transit Sec
Archives International Auctions
New York, ND (1920s), Lot of 3 Specimen Bonds, Includes: $1000 6% Registered Series A Rapid Transit Security Sinking Fund Gold Bond, Black with steel
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Start Price : 450.00 | Estimate : 750.00 - 1,000.00
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NY. Lake Erie and Western Railroad Co. 1887 Specimen Bond Rarity625 - NY. Lake Erie and Western Railroad Co. 1887 Specimen Bond Rarity
Archives International Auctions
New York, 1887. $1000 Specimen 5% First Mortgage Gold Bond, Black text with ornate green border and undertint, Train in small circular frame at top le
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Start Price : 140.00 | Estimate : 300.00 - 600.00
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NY. Nassau Electric Railroad Co., 1898 Specimen Registered 4% Gold Bond Rarity626 - NY. Nassau Electric Railroad Co., 1898 Specimen Registered 4% Gold Bond Rarity
Archives International Auctions
New York, 1898. $-Odd Specimen 4% Consolidated Registered Mortgage Gold Bond, Black text with brown border and underprint, Trolley car at top left mar
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Start Price : 85.00 | Estimate : 150.00 - 250.00
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NY. New York Railroads, 1884 to 1907, Specimen Coupon Bond Trio.627 - NY. New York Railroads, 1884 to 1907, Specimen Coupon Bond Trio.
Archives International Auctions
New York, 1884 to 1907, Lot of 3 Specimen Bonds, Includes: 1884, Elmira Cortland and Northern Railroad Co. $1000 6% First Mortgage Preferred Coupon Bo
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Start Price : 190.00 | Estimate : 300.00 - 450.00
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NY. New York Rapid Transit Corp., 1932, Specimen (Registered and Coupon) Railroad Bond Pair.628 - NY. New York Rapid Transit Corp., 1932, Specimen (Registered and Coupon) Railroad Bond Pair.
Archives International Auctions
New York, 1932, Lot of 2 Specimen Bonds, Includes: $1000 Registered 6% Series A First and Refunding Mortgage Sinking Fund Gold Bond, Black with brown
Current Bid: 120.00
Estimate : 180.00 - 280.00
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NY and NJ. New York West Shore & Buffalo Railway Co., 1881, Unlisted Specimen Bond629 - NY and NJ. New York West Shore & Buffalo Railway Co., 1881, Unlisted Specimen Bond
Archives International Auctions
New York and New Jersey, 1881. $10,000 Registered 5% Specimen First Mortgage Bond, Black printing with red/orange border and underprint, View of rail
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Start Price : 120.00 | Estimate : 240.00 - 375.00
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Chicago and Atlantic Railway Co. 1882 Specimen Registered Gold Bond Rarity630 - Chicago and Atlantic Railway Co. 1882 Specimen Registered Gold Bond Rarity
Archives International Auctions
OH, IN & IL. $1000 6% Second Mortgage Gold Bond, Black text with green border, At top center a scene of two trains near harbor. POCs, VF conditi...
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Start Price : 85.00 | Estimate : 250.00 - 450.00
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Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Illinois. Gold Bonds Overprinted with Going off the Gold Standard Specimen B631 - Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Illinois. Gold Bonds Overprinted with Going off the Gold Standard Specimen B
Archives International Auctions
Ohio, 1910-33. Lot of 5 Specimen Bonds, Includes: 1910. Specimen, Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago and St. Louis Railway Co., 4% European Loan of 1910,
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Start Price : 160.00 | Estimate : 240.00 - 375.00
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PA. Buffalo and Susquehanna Railroad Co., 1893, Specimen Gold Coupon Bond Rarity.632 - PA. Buffalo and Susquehanna Railroad Co., 1893, Specimen Gold Coupon Bond Rarity.
Archives International Auctions
Pennsylvania, 1893. $1000 Specimen 5% First Mortgage Gold Coupon Bond, Black with green border and underprint, Signal man at top left beside title wit
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Start Price : 100.00 | Estimate : 220.00 - 300.00
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PA. Pittsburgh Junction Railroad Co., 1882 Specimen 6% Gold Coupon Bond Rarity.633 - PA. Pittsburgh Junction Railroad Co., 1882 Specimen 6% Gold Coupon Bond Rarity.
Archives International Auctions
Pennsylvania, 1882 Specimen $1000 1st Mortgage Gold Coupon Bond, Locomotive passing telegraph poles L-R, Allegorical women support columns on left and
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Start Price : 280.00 | Estimate : 375.00 - 750.00
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SD. Forest City and Gettysburg Railroad Co. 1899 Specimen Bond Rarity634 - SD. Forest City and Gettysburg Railroad Co. 1899 Specimen Bond Rarity
Archives International Auctions
South Dakota, 1899. $1000 Specimen 4% First Mortgage Coupon Bond, Black text with brown border and undertint, Train cars on tracks with factory in dis
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Start Price : 140.00 | Estimate : 300.00 - 600.00
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Tennessee. Specimen Tennessee Railroad Bond Quartet, 1903 to 1937.635 - Tennessee. Specimen Tennessee Railroad Bond Quartet, 1903 to 1937.
Archives International Auctions
Tennessee, 1903-37. Lot of 4 Specimen Bonds, Includes 1903, Knoxville and Ohio Railroad Co. $-Odd, Registered Specimen Bond; 1937, Tennessee Railroad
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Start Price : 80.00 | Estimate : 150.00 - 250.00
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TX. Henderson and Overton Branch Railway Co., 1876 I/U 7% Gold Coupon Bond.636 - TX. Henderson and Overton Branch Railway Co., 1876 I/U 7% Gold Coupon Bond.
Archives International Auctions
Henderson, Texas. $500 I/U 7% 1st Mortgage Gold Coupon Bond, Black with green and tan underprint and ornate black border, Vignette of locomotive cross
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Start Price : 220.00 | Estimate : 350.00 - 700.00
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TX. Houston East & West Texas Railway Co., Eastern Division, 1878 Issued 7% Gold Coupon Bond.637 - TX. Houston East & West Texas Railway Co., Eastern Division, 1878 Issued 7% Gold Coupon Bond.
Archives International Auctions
Texas. $1000 I/U, 1st Mortgage 7% Gold Coupon Bond. Black printing without underprint, locomotive around curve with telegraph poles under ornate title
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Start Price : 325.00 | Estimate : 500.00 - 1,000.00
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TX. Texas & Pacific Railway Co. Eastern Division 1875 Specimen 6% Gold Coupon Bond Rarity638 - TX. Texas & Pacific Railway Co. Eastern Division 1875 Specimen 6% Gold Coupon Bond Rarity
Archives International Auctions
Texas, 1875. $1000 = £200 Pounds Sterling Specimen 6% Consolidated Mortgage Gold Construction Bond on Eastern Division, Black text with black b...
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Start Price : 325.00 | Estimate : 500.00 - 1,000.00
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TX., Galveston City Railroad Co. 1896 Specimen Bond Rarity639 - TX., Galveston City Railroad Co. 1896 Specimen Bond Rarity
Archives International Auctions
Texas, 1896. $1000 Specimen 6% Second Mortgage Gold Coupon Bond, Black text with green border and undertint, Trolley car with conductor depicted at to
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Start Price : 280.00 | Estimate : 350.00 - 700.00
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TX. Wichita Falls and Northwestern Railway Co. of Texas, 1907 Specimen 5% Gold Coupon Bond.640 - TX. Wichita Falls and Northwestern Railway Co. of Texas, 1907 Specimen 5% Gold Coupon Bond.
Archives International Auctions
Texas, 1907, $1,000. 5% first mortgage gold bond. Orange border and underprint with train vignette. FLBNC, NY, specimen with coupons and POC's, ...
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Start Price : 150.00 | Estimate : 230.00 - 350.00
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Utah. Union Pacific Railroad Co., 1897, Registered Specimen Gold Bond Trio641 - Utah. Union Pacific Railroad Co., 1897, Registered Specimen Gold Bond Trio
Archives International Auctions
Utah, 1897. Lot of 3 Registered 4% Specimen First Mortgage Railroad and Land Grant Gold Bonds with $1000 in Green, $5000 in blue, and $10,000 in red.
Current Bid: 250.00
Estimate : 375.00 - 750.00
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MD. NY. VA. Eastern Seaboard Specimen Railroad Bond Collection, 1902 to 1946642 - MD. NY. VA. Eastern Seaboard Specimen Railroad Bond Collection, 1902 to 1946
Archives International Auctions
Maryland, Virginia, New York, 1902 to 1946. Lot of 5 Specimen Bonds, Includes: MD. 1902, Western Maryland Rail Road Co. $1000 Specimen 4% Registered G
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Start Price : 140.00 | Estimate : 220.00 - 350.00
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Vermont & Canada. Canada Junction Railroad Co., 1882, Proof Bond.643 - Vermont & Canada. Canada Junction Railroad Co., 1882, Proof Bond.
Archives International Auctions
Vermont & Canada, 1882. $1000 Proof 5% First Mortgage Gold Bond, Black printing with locomotive at top, Printed in black on india paper, VF cond...
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Start Price : 130.00 | Estimate : 250.00 - 350.00
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WI. Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Co., 1881, Specimen Gold Coupon Bond.644 - WI. Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Co., 1881, Specimen Gold Coupon Bond.
Archives International Auctions
Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 1881. $1000 5% First Mortgage Forty Year Gold Coupon Bond, Black print on yellow paper, Pioneer on horse by river at top under c
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Start Price : 120.00 | Estimate : 230.00 - 375.00
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WI. Northern Pacific Railway Co. 1896 Specimen 3% General Lien Railway and Land Grant Gold Bond Pair645 - WI. Northern Pacific Railway Co. 1896 Specimen 3% General Lien Railway and Land Grant Gold Bond Pair
Archives International Auctions
Wisconsin, 1896. Lot of 2 Specimen Bonds from the Northern Pacific Railway Co., both are 3% General Lien Railway and Land Grant Gold Coupon Bonds, inc
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Start Price : 75.00 | Estimate : 120.00 - 240.00
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WI. Northern Pacific Railway Co. 1896 Specimen 4% Prior Lien Railway and Land Grant Gold Coupon Bond646 - WI. Northern Pacific Railway Co. 1896 Specimen 4% Prior Lien Railway and Land Grant Gold Coupon Bond
Archives International Auctions
Wisconsin, 1896. Lot of 2 Specimen Bonds from the Northern Pacific Railway Co., both are 4% Prior Lien Railway and Land Grant Gold Coupon Bond: $500 i
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Start Price : 90.00 | Estimate : 180.00 - 280.00
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WI. Northern Pacific Railway Co. 1914-21, Series B, Specimen Bond Quartet647 - WI. Northern Pacific Railway Co. 1914-21, Series B, Specimen Bond Quartet
Archives International Auctions
Wisconsin, 1914-21. Lot of 4 Specimen Bonds from the Northern Pacific Railway Co., all are Refunding and Improvement Mortgage Coupon Bonds, including:
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Start Price : 160.00 | Estimate : 250.00 - 350.00
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Canada, France & U.S.. American Express Co. and Republic National Bank of Dallas, 1960 to 1976, Proo648 - Canada, France & U.S.. American Express Co. and Republic National Bank of Dallas, 1960 to 1976, Proo
Archives International Auctions
Canada, France & U.S., 1960-76. Lot of 6 Proof and Specimen Checks, Includes: American Express Co. 20 Canadian Dollars Proof Check with Selvage ...
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Start Price : 50.00 | Estimate : 100.00 - 200.00
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Illinois and Pennsylvania. First National Bank of Chicago and Mellon National Bank, ND (1930-50s), S649 - Illinois and Pennsylvania. First National Bank of Chicago and Mellon National Bank, ND (1930-50s), S
Archives International Auctions
Illinois and Pennsylvania, ND (1930-50s). Lot of 3 Specimen Checks, Includes: First National Bank of Chicago $20 Proof Check with Selvage at top; Mell
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Start Price : 30.00 | Estimate : 80.00 - 160.00
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New York. Thomas Cook & Son, ND (1900-20s), Specimen Traveler's Check Collection.650 - New York. Thomas Cook & Son, ND (1900-20s), Specimen Traveler's Check Collection.
Archives International Auctions
New York, ND (1900-20s). Lot of 4 Specimen Traveler's Checks, Includes: $20, $25, $50, and $100 Specimen Checks in various colors, All are Pin P...
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Start Price : 55.00 | Estimate : 120.00 - 240.00
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