AIA Sale 100 -March 26 - U.S. & WW Banknotes, Scripophily and Ephemera

Auction Details

U.S. & Worldwide Banknotes, Scripophily, U.S. Federal Bonds, Liberty Loan Bonds,
U.S. Federal Fiscal Documents, Warrants, Drafts, U.S. Colonial, Obsolete, Large Type & Small Type Currency, Historic Ephemera and Security Printing Ephemera

Wednesday, March 26th, 2025: Lots 1 to 661 in 3 Sessions over 1 Day
Session 1 – Lots 1 to 155 beginning at 11:00 AM EST:
World and Chinese Banknotes & Scripophily

Session 2 – Lots 156 to 390 beginning no earlier than 1:00 PM EST after Session 1 is Complete:
U.S. Federal Bonds, Fiscal Documents, Liberty Loan Bonds, Savings Bonds, Treasury & Post Office Warrants & Hawaiian Whaling Exchange

Session 3 – Lots 391 to 661 beginning no earlier than 3:30 PM EST after Session 2 is Complete:
U.S. Colonial Banknotes & Fiscal Documents; U.S. Obsolete, Fractional, Confederate,
Large Type, Small Type & National Banknotes; Historic Ephemera; Security Printing Ephemera; U.S. & Worldwide Scripophily; and Worldwide Stamps

Archives International Auctions, LLC
Numismatic and Philatelic Auctioneers

1060 Main Street
River Edge, NJ 07661 U.S.A.
Phone: 201-944-4800 | Facsimile: 201-839-3336


PH: 1-201-944-4800
FAX: 1-201-839-3336

Snail Mail: Archives International Auctions
1060 Main Street, Suite 202, River Edge, NJ 07661

The auction will take place on March 26, 2025 at AIA's office located at 1060 Main St., Suite #202, River Edge, NJ 07661 beginning at 11:00 AM
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Trinidad & Tobago. Caricom Traveler's Cheque, ND (1980-90s), Specimen Check Collection151 - Trinidad & Tobago. Caricom Traveler's Cheque, ND (1980-90s), Specimen Check Collection
Archives International Auctions
Trinidad & Tobago, ND (1980-90s). Lot of 4 Specimen Check, Includes: 10 Dollars, 20 Dollars, 50 Dollars, and 100 Dollars in various colors, Each...
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Start Price : 60.00 | Estimate : 120.00 - 240.00
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Trinidad. El Choco Gold Mining Company, Limited, 1880-90s Specimen Stock Certificate.152 - Trinidad. El Choco Gold Mining Company, Limited, 1880-90s Specimen Stock Certificate.
Archives International Auctions
Port of Spain, Trinidad. 1 Share, Specimen stock certificate, Black on yellow-orange border, Specimen overprint, POCs, "0000 serial numbers, co...
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Start Price : 80.00 | Estimate : 200.00 - 300.00
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Ukraine. State Treasury and  Credit Notes Issued Banknote Collection, 1918.153 - Ukraine. State Treasury and Credit Notes Issued Banknote Collection, 1918.
Archives International Auctions
Ukraine, 1918. Lot of 11 Issued Banknotes, Includes: State Treasury Notes 50 Karbovantsiv, P-5a, ND (1918); 50 Karbovantsiv, P-6b, ND (1918); Postage
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Start Price : 85.00 | Estimate : 130.00 - 200.00
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Vietnam. National Bank of Vietnam, ND (1955) to ND (1964), Issued Banknote Quartet.154 - Vietnam. National Bank of Vietnam, ND (1955) to ND (1964), Issued Banknote Quartet.
Archives International Auctions
Vietnam, ND (1955) to ND (1964). Lot of 4 Issued Banknotes, Includes: ND (1955), 1 Dong, P-11a, S/N 55-A 863406, PMG graded Gem Unc 65 EPQ, SBNC; ND (
Current Bid: 55.00
Estimate : 110.00 - 160.00
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World Wide. Spanish Speaking Countries, 1915 to 1965, Issued Banknote Collection155 - World Wide. Spanish Speaking Countries, 1915 to 1965, Issued Banknote Collection
Archives International Auctions
World Wide. Lot of 17 Issued Banknotes from Mexico, Spain, Bolivia, Paraguay, and Argentina. Notes range from Fine to AU condition. (17). Sold "...
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Start Price : 60.00 | Estimate : 100.00 - 180.00
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MD. & U.S., Continental Loan Office in the State of "Maryland" Paris Exchange, 12th Day of October, 156 - MD. & U.S., Continental Loan Office in the State of "Maryland" Paris Exchange, 12th Day of October,
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United States of America - Continental Loan Office in the State of "Maryland" Exchange for $24/120 Livres Tournois Third Bill, Payable at ...
Current Bid: 400.00
Estimate : 800.00 - 1,600.00
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PA. & U.S., Continental Loan Office in the State of "Pennsylvania" Paris Exchange, 1778. Signed by H157 - PA. & U.S., Continental Loan Office in the State of "Pennsylvania" Paris Exchange, 1778. Signed by H
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United States of America - Continental Loan Office in the State of "Pennsylvania" Exchange for $24/120 Livres Tournois Third Bill, Payable...
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Start Price : 950.00 | Estimate : 2,000.00 - 4,000.00
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D.C., Treasury of the U.S., Sight Draft, 1825, signed by Thomas Tudor Tucker as U.S. Treasurer.158 - D.C., Treasury of the U.S., Sight Draft, 1825, signed by Thomas Tudor Tucker as U.S. Treasurer.
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Washington, D.C., Nov. 30, 1825, $130, I/C sight draft signed by Thomas Tudor Tucker (June 25, 1745 – May 2, 1828), black text on thin white
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Start Price : 375.00 | Estimate : 600.00 - 900.00
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MD. Bank of the United States, Cashier of the Office of Discount 1803 I/C Check159 - MD. Bank of the United States, Cashier of the Office of Discount 1803 I/C Check
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Baltimore, Maryland, 17th December, 1803. Issued and cut cancelled Check for the sum of $1820, from the Bank of the United States, deposited in Baltim
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Start Price : 230.00 | Estimate : 400.00 - 600.00
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U.S. Federal Bond, "Act of Congress of February 8, 1813" Remainder Bond form.160 - U.S. Federal Bond, "Act of Congress of February 8, 1813" Remainder Bond form.
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Washington, D.C., 1813, $-Odd, Remainder bond form, Counterfoil on left with denomination security numbers, U.S. Federal arms of Eagle holding arrows
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Start Price : 750.00 | Estimate : 1,000.00 - 2,000.00
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U.S., United States Loan of 1842. 1840s Historic Proof Treasury Loan from the Dr. Joseph Vacca Colle161 - U.S., United States Loan of 1842. 1840s Historic Proof Treasury Loan from the Dr. Joseph Vacca Colle
Archives International Auctions
Washington, D.C., ca. 1842. $-Odd, Proof United States Treasury Loan, Unlisted, "An Act authorizing a loan not exceeding Twelve Millions of Dol...
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Start Price : 5,000.00 | Estimate : 10,000.00
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U.S.A., Central Pacific Rail Road Bond, ca.1864 $1000 Proof Federal Bond162 - U.S.A., Central Pacific Rail Road Bond, ca.1864 $1000 Proof Federal Bond
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Washington, D.C., ca.1864 (Act of July 1st, 1862 - Act of July 2nd, 1864). $1000 Proof 6% Bond from the U.S. Treasury Department that was issued for t
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Start Price : 6,000.00 | Estimate : 12,000.00
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U.S., "Pacific Railroad Bond, Pl.22" From Counterfeit Bond Detector Book, ca.1864163 - U.S., "Pacific Railroad Bond, Pl.22" From Counterfeit Bond Detector Book, ca.1864
Archives International Auctions
Washington, D.C., $1000, Counterfeit Detector Proof Bond for "Pacific Railroad" Federal Bond, Intaglio printed in black on white thin card...
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Start Price : 100.00 | Estimate : 250.00 - 400.00
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U.S., Treasury of the United States, 1848 Issued War Warrant Signed by William Selden164 - U.S., Treasury of the United States, 1848 Issued War Warrant Signed by William Selden
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Washington, D.C., 1848. $9.86 War Warrant Check Issued by the Treasury of the United States, Black text with George Washington at left, Eagle at top r
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Start Price : 800.00 | Estimate : 2,000.00 - 3,500.00
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U.S., Treasurer of the United States, ca. 1860s Certificate of Indebtedness Pair165 - U.S., Treasurer of the United States, ca. 1860s Certificate of Indebtedness Pair
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ca. 1860s. Unissued and Uncut Certificates of Indebtedness Pair, with printed signature of Francis E. Spinner, the Treasurer of the United States, Bla
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Start Price : 700.00 | Estimate : 1,250.00 - 2,000.00
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D.C., Certificate of Deposit Payment for U,S. 6%, 20 Year Bonds, ca.1860s166 - D.C., Certificate of Deposit Payment for U,S. 6%, 20 Year Bonds, ca.1860s
Archives International Auctions
Washington, D.C., 186x (ca.1860s), $-Odd, Progress proof or Printers waste of a partial uncut pair of Certificate of Deposits for the purchase of 6% 2
Current Bid: 375.00
Estimate : 450.00 - 750.00
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U.S., Treasury of the United States, 18x (ca.1870s) Specimen "On War Warrant"167 - U.S., Treasury of the United States, 18x (ca.1870s) Specimen "On War Warrant"
Archives International Auctions
Washington, D.C., Series of 1870, ca.1870s. Specimen "On War Warrant" Draft from the Treasury of the United States, S/N 4332, "0000&q...
Current Bid: 425.00
Estimate : 650.00 - 1,000.00
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U.S., Treasury of the United States, Treasury Interior Warrant, 1870 Issued Warrant - Draft.168 - U.S., Treasury of the United States, Treasury Interior Warrant, 1870 Issued Warrant - Draft.
Archives International Auctions
San Francisco, California, and ,Washington, D.C., September 7,1870. $20 Issued Treasury Warrant Check, S/N 1697, Black and red text, Treasury Departme
Current Bid: 325.00
Estimate : 600.00 - 1,000.00
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England & U.S., Consulate United States of America at Birmingham, England, 1879 I/U 2nd of Exchange169 - England & U.S., Consulate United States of America at Birmingham, England, 1879 I/U 2nd of Exchange
Archives International Auctions
Birmingham, England, & Washington, D.C., July 14, 1879, $134.10, I/U 2nd of Exchange, Signed by Eugene Schuyler, Consul of the U.S>, Black pr...
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Start Price : 325.00 | Estimate : 500.00 - 800.00
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U.S., Treasurer of the United States, 1889 Geneva Award Check Signed by James N. Huston170 - U.S., Treasurer of the United States, 1889 Geneva Award Check Signed by James N. Huston
Archives International Auctions
Washington, D.C., July 1, 1889. $0.18 I/U Treasury "Geneva Award" Check, S/N 7888, Black and red print with black handwriting, Portrait of...
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Start Price : 220.00 | Estimate : 350.00 - 700.00
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U.S., Treasurer of the U.S. or Assistant Treasurer in New York, 1894 Issued Spanish Indemnity Certif171 - U.S., Treasurer of the U.S. or Assistant Treasurer in New York, 1894 Issued Spanish Indemnity Certif
Archives International Auctions
Washington, D.C., September 1, 1894. $81.56 Issued Spanish Indemnity Certificate, as the 54th Installment of Interest from the Treasurer or Assistant
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Start Price : 375.00 | Estimate : 600.00 - 1,000.00
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NY. American Bank Note Co., Historic 1860 Issued Stock Certificate, Possibly the Earliest Example Kn172 - NY. American Bank Note Co., Historic 1860 Issued Stock Certificate, Possibly the Earliest Example Kn
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New York. Lot of 2 items, Includes American Bank Note Company, March 13th, 1860, 1 Share I/C Capital Stock Certificate, S/N 275, Issued to Alexander C
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Start Price : 10,000.00 | Estimate : 15,000.00 - 25,000.00
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Historic American Bank Note Company Annual Reports from 1864 to 1876173 - Historic American Bank Note Company Annual Reports from 1864 to 1876
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New York, 1864 to 1876. Lot of 11 ABN Annual Reports. An extraordinary collection of annual reports of the business conducted by the legendary securit
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Start Price : 6,000.00 | Estimate : 7,500.00 - 15,000.00
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UBSH of PA and DU&Co. of NY, 1841, Framed Proof Advertising Sample Sheet.174 - UBSH of PA and DU&Co. of NY, 1841, Framed Proof Advertising Sample Sheet.
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New York & Pennsylvania, 1841. Underwood, Bald, Spencer and Hufty of PA and Danforth, Underwood & Co. of NY, Framed Proof Advertising Sample...
Current Bid: 1,800.00
Estimate : 2,500.00 - 5,000.00
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Underwood, Bald, Spencer and Hufty of PA and Danforth, Underwood & Co. of NY, 1841, Framed Proof Adv175 - Underwood, Bald, Spencer and Hufty of PA and Danforth, Underwood & Co. of NY, 1841, Framed Proof Adv
Archives International Auctions
New York & Pennsylvania, 1841. Underwood, Bald, Spencer and Hufty of Philadelphia, and Danforth, Underwood & Co. of New York, Framed Proof A...
Current Bid: 1,800.00
Estimate : 2,500.00 - 5,000.00
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NY. American Bank Note Co, 1894 First of Exchange Payable to Senor Don F.S. Asta Buruaga, ABN Agent 176 - NY. American Bank Note Co, 1894 First of Exchange Payable to Senor Don F.S. Asta Buruaga, ABN Agent
Archives International Auctions
New York, April 18 1894, Lot of 2 items, Includes a 42 Pounds Sterling, First of Exchange, I/C, The exchange was Issued to Senor Don F.S. Buruaga, (J
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Start Price : 325.00 | Estimate : 500.00 - 800.00
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U.S., Spanish-American 1898-1918 Three Per Cent Loan of 1898, :Act of June 13, 1898, Issued $20 Bond177 - U.S., Spanish-American 1898-1918 Three Per Cent Loan of 1898, :Act of June 13, 1898, Issued $20 Bond
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Washington, D.C., August 1, 1898. $20 Issued 3% Bond, Black text with light brown border and underprint, Screaming eagle at left with shield, flag, ar
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Start Price : 8,400.00 | Estimate : 9,500.00 - 12,500.00
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U.S., Spanish-American 1898-1918 Three Per Cent Loan of 1898, Issued 1898 $100 Bond.178 - U.S., Spanish-American 1898-1918 Three Per Cent Loan of 1898, Issued 1898 $100 Bond.
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Washington, D.C., August 1, 1898. $100 Issued 3% Bond, S/N 20955, Black text with red border and underprint, Stephen Decatur at top center flanked by
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Start Price : 27,500.00 | Estimate : 30,000.00 - 40,000.00
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U.S., Treasurer or an Assistant Treasurer of the U.S., 3% Loan of 1898 Interest Payment, 1898 Issued179 - U.S., Treasurer or an Assistant Treasurer of the U.S., 3% Loan of 1898 Interest Payment, 1898 Issued
Archives International Auctions
Washington, D.C., 1898. $2.25 I/C Interest Payment due from a 3% Loan of the 1898 Registered Bond Issue, S/N B15307, Black printing, POCs at left, Re
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Start Price : 130.00 | Estimate : 230.00 - 375.00
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U.S., Treasurer of the United States, 1933, 2% Panama Canal Loan of 1916-1936 Interest Payment180 - U.S., Treasurer of the United States, 1933, 2% Panama Canal Loan of 1916-1936 Interest Payment
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Washington, D.C., August 1, 1933. $0.10 I/C Interest Payment due from a 2% Panama Canal Loan, S/N 80,306, Black printing on off white paper, Treasury
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Start Price : 250.00 | Estimate : 450.00 - 750.00
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U.S.A., War Finance Corporation, 1919 Specimen Bond Rarity181 - U.S.A., War Finance Corporation, 1919 Specimen Bond Rarity
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Washington, D.C., 1919. $1000 Specimen 5% Gold Coupon Bond, Series A, "Principal and interest payable At The Office of the Corporation in Washi...
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Start Price : 3,750.00 | Estimate : 4,500.00 - 9,000.00
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U.S.  Liberty Loan of 1917, 1932-1947, 1917 Issued $50 Coupon Bond182 - U.S. Liberty Loan of 1917, 1932-1947, 1917 Issued $50 Coupon Bond
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Washington, D.C., 1917. $50 Issued, Liberty Loan of 1917, 3 1/2% Liberty Loan Coupon Bond, Black text with blue underprint, S/N 1408456, Thomas Jeffer
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Start Price : 800.00 | Estimate : 1,000.00 - 1,500.00
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U.S. First Liberty Loan Converted 4 1/4% Gold Bond of 1932-47, 1918 Issued $50  Gold Coupon Bond183 - U.S. First Liberty Loan Converted 4 1/4% Gold Bond of 1932-47, 1918 Issued $50 Gold Coupon Bond
Archives International Auctions
Washington, D.C., 1918. $50 Issued 4 1/4% First Liberty Loan Converted Gold Coupon Bond of 1932-1947, Black text with blue underprint, Red seal at bot
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Start Price : 2,500.00 | Estimate : 3,000.00 - 4,000.00
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U.S. First Liberty Loan of 1917 Converted 4% Gold Bond of 1932-47, Issued 1917 Issued $10  Gold Coup184 - U.S. First Liberty Loan of 1917 Converted 4% Gold Bond of 1932-47, Issued 1917 Issued $10 Gold Coup
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Washington, D.C., November 15, 1917. $100 Issued 4% First Liberty Loan Convertible Gold Coupon Bond, Andrew Jackson at bottom center, Black text with
Current Bid: 3,000.00
Estimate : 3,500.00 - 4,500.00
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U.S. Second Liberty Loan of 1917, 10/25 4% Convertible Gold Bond, Issued 1917 $50 Bond.185 - U.S. Second Liberty Loan of 1917, 10/25 4% Convertible Gold Bond, Issued 1917 $50 Bond.
Archives International Auctions
Washington, D.C., November 15, 1917. $50 Issued 4% Second Liberty Loan Convertible Gold Coupon Bond, Black text with brown underprint and treasury sea
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Start Price : 5,500.00 | Estimate : 6,000.00 - 7,500.00
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U.S. Second Liberty Loan Converted 4 1/2% Gold Bond of 1927-1942, Issued 1918 $50 Bond.186 - U.S. Second Liberty Loan Converted 4 1/2% Gold Bond of 1927-1942, Issued 1918 $50 Bond.
Archives International Auctions
Washington, D.C., May 9, 1918. $50 Issued 4 1/4% Second Liberty Loan Converted Coupon Bond, Black text with Andrew Jackson at top center with light or
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Start Price : 5,000.00 | Estimate : 5,500.00 - 6,500.00
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U.S. Second Liberty Loan Converted 4 1/4% Gold Bond of 1927-1942, issued 1918 $100 Bond187 - U.S. Second Liberty Loan Converted 4 1/4% Gold Bond of 1927-1942, issued 1918 $100 Bond
Archives International Auctions
Washington, D.C., May 9, 1918, $100 issued 4 1/4% Second Libert Loan Converted Gold Coupon Bond, Black text with blue underprint, Jackson at top cente
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Start Price : 4,000.00 | Estimate : 4,500.00 - 6,000.00
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U.S. Third Liberty Loan 4 1/4% Gold Bond of 1928, Issued 1918 $50 Bond188 - U.S. Third Liberty Loan 4 1/4% Gold Bond of 1928, Issued 1918 $50 Bond
Archives International Auctions
Washington, D.C., May 9, 1918. $50 Issued 4 1/4% Third Liberty Loan Gold Coupon Bond, Black text with red underprint, Thomas Jefferson at top center,
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Start Price : 400.00 | Estimate : 600.00 - 800.00
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U.S. Third Liberty Loan 4 1/4% Gold Bond of 1928, Issued 1918 $50 Coupon Bond189 - U.S. Third Liberty Loan 4 1/4% Gold Bond of 1928, Issued 1918 $50 Coupon Bond
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Washington, D.C., 1918. $50 Issued 4 1/4% Third Liberty Loan Gold Coupon Bond, Black text with red underprint, Thomas Jefferson at top center, Seal at
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Start Price : 2,500.00 | Estimate : 3,000.00 - 4,000.00
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U.S. Third Liberty Loan 4 1/4% Gold Bond of 1928, Issued 1918 $100 Bond190 - U.S. Third Liberty Loan 4 1/4% Gold Bond of 1928, Issued 1918 $100 Bond
Archives International Auctions
Washington, D.C., May 9, 1918. $100 Issued 4 1/4% Third Liberty Loan Gold Coupon Bond, Black text with red underprint, Andrew Jackson at top center, B
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Start Price : 3,000.00 | Estimate : 3,500.00 - 4,500.00
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U.S. Fourth Liberty Loan 4 1/4% Gold Bond of 1933-1938, Issued 1918 $50 Bond191 - U.S. Fourth Liberty Loan 4 1/4% Gold Bond of 1933-1938, Issued 1918 $50 Bond
Archives International Auctions
Washington, D.C., October 24, 1918. $50 Issued 4 1/4% Fourth Liberty Loan Gold Coupon Bond, Black text with brown underprint, Jefferson at top center,
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Start Price : 1,500.00 | Estimate : 1,800.00 - 2,500.00
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U.S. Fourth Liberty Loan 4 1/4% Gold Bond of 1933-1938, Issued 1918 $100 Bond192 - U.S. Fourth Liberty Loan 4 1/4% Gold Bond of 1933-1938, Issued 1918 $100 Bond
Archives International Auctions
Washington, D.C., October 24, 1918. $100 Issued 4 1/4% Fourth Liberty Loan Gold Coupon Bond, Black text with green underprint, Jackson at top center,
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Start Price : 1,200.00 | Estimate : 1,500.00 - 2,000.00
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U.S. Fourth Liberty Loan 4 1/4% Gold Bond of 1933-1938, Issued 1918 $50 Complete Bond193 - U.S. Fourth Liberty Loan 4 1/4% Gold Bond of 1933-1938, Issued 1918 $50 Complete Bond
Archives International Auctions
Washington, D.C., October 24, 1918. $50 Issued 4 1/4% Fourth Liberty Loan Gold Coupon Bond, Black text with green underprint, Thomas Jefferson at top
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Start Price : 2,000.00 | Estimate : 2,500.00 - 3,500.00
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U.S. Fourth Liberty Loan 4 1/4% Gold Bond of 1933-1938, Issued 1918, $500 Coupon Bond194 - U.S. Fourth Liberty Loan 4 1/4% Gold Bond of 1933-1938, Issued 1918, $500 Coupon Bond
Archives International Auctions
Washington, D.C., October 24, 1918. $500 Issued 4 1/4% Fourth Liberty Loan Gold Coupon Bond, Black text with green underprint, Washington at top cente
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Start Price : 12,000.00 | Estimate : 12,500.00 - 15,000.00
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U.S. Victory Liberty Loan 4 3/4% Convertible Gold Note of 1922-1923, Issued 1919 Gold Coupon Bond.195 - U.S. Victory Liberty Loan 4 3/4% Convertible Gold Note of 1922-1923, Issued 1919 Gold Coupon Bond.
Archives International Auctions
Washington, D.C., May 20, 1919. $100,000 I/C 4 3/4% Victory Liberty Loan Convertible Gold Bond, Issued to the Newburgh Savings Bank in Newburgh, NY, B
Current Bid: 5,000.00
Estimate : 5,500.00 - 6,500.00
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U.S. Victory Liberty Loan 4 3/4% Convertible Gold Note of 1922-1923, Issued 1919 Gold Coupon Bond.196 - U.S. Victory Liberty Loan 4 3/4% Convertible Gold Note of 1922-1923, Issued 1919 Gold Coupon Bond.
Archives International Auctions
Washington, D.C., May 20, 1919. $50 Issued 4 3/4% Victory Liberty Loan Convertible Gold Coupon Bond, Black text with blue underprint, Thomas Jefferson
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Start Price : 4,000.00 | Estimate : 5,000.00 - 6,000.00
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U.S. Victory Liberty Loan Convertible Gold Note of 1922-1923, Issued 1919 Bond197 - U.S. Victory Liberty Loan Convertible Gold Note of 1922-1923, Issued 1919 Bond
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Washington, D.C., May 20, 1919. $100 Issued 4 3/4% Victory Liberty Loan Convertible Gold Coupon Bond, Black text with blue underprint, Andrew Jackson
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Start Price : 4,000.00 | Estimate : 4,500.00 - 6,000.00
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U.S., Armed Forces Leave Bond, 1946, $300, I/U, Including A WWII Serviceman’s Additional Do198 - U.S., Armed Forces Leave Bond, 1946, $300, I/U, Including A WWII Serviceman’s Additional Do
Archives International Auctions
Washington, D.C., Lot of 3 items, Includes and 'Armed Forces Leave Bond" for $300 and Treasury of the U.S. Check for $4.08 from the Navy ...
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Start Price : 350.00 | Estimate : 500.00 - 900.00
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U.S., Adjusted Service Bond of 1945, $50, 1936, 3% I/U Bond199 - U.S., Adjusted Service Bond of 1945, $50, 1936, 3% I/U Bond
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Washington, D.C., 1936. $50 I/U Registered 3% 9-Year Adjusted Service Bond of 1945, S/N 6449194, Black print with green underprint, Andrew Jackson at
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Start Price : 300.00 | Estimate : 450.00 - 750.00
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U.S. Liberty Loan Payment Coupon/Stamp Proof Quartet, ca.1917-1919.200 - U.S. Liberty Loan Payment Coupon/Stamp Proof Quartet, ca.1917-1919.
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Washington, D.C., New York and Baltimore. Lot of 4 Proof Liberty Loan Partial Payment stamps. ca.1917-1919. P-Unlisted. $1; $2; $2; $4. 4 different Li
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Start Price : 500.00 | Estimate : 900.00 - 1,200.00
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